
Vanco has helped churches through more than 20 years of holiday giving seasons by providing electronic giving solutions that have boosted donations for tens of thousands of churches. To see how your church can use eGiving to increase donations, give us a call at 855.213.3705 or contact us online to receive a demo.
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Recent Posts

Setting up online giving for your church will increase donations. At Vanco, we did an internal survey of our thousands of clients... Read More
“The last two years represent the highest and second-highest totals for giving—and the third and fourth largest percentage... Read More

Making the case for credit card giving

Posted by Vanco on Jan 20, 2017 2:04:00 PM

Do you remember the movie Jerry Maguire? In it, the character Rod Tidwell hollers at his agent, “help me help you.” Churchgoers... Read More

Should churches stop passing the collection plate?

Posted by Vanco on Jan 13, 2017 1:00:00 PM

e-Giving still has plenty of room to grow, but various surveys show that churches have adopted it at a steady pace over the past... Read More


Vanco has helped churches through more than 20 years of holiday giving seasons by providing electronic giving solutions that have boosted donations for tens of thousands of churches. To see how your church can use eGiving to increase donations, give us a call at 855.213.3705 or contact us online to receive a demo.
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Recent Posts

Setting up online giving for your church will increase donations. At Vanco, we did an internal survey of our thousands of clients... Read More
“The last two years represent the highest and second-highest totals for giving—and the third and fourth largest percentage... Read More

Making the case for credit card giving

Posted by Vanco on Jan 20, 2017 2:04:00 PM

Do you remember the movie Jerry Maguire? In it, the character Rod Tidwell hollers at his agent, “help me help you.” Churchgoers... Read More

Should churches stop passing the collection plate?

Posted by Vanco on Jan 13, 2017 1:00:00 PM

e-Giving still has plenty of room to grow, but various surveys show that churches have adopted it at a steady pace over the past... Read More